A Special Thanks.
We would like to say a special thank you to our customers for giving us the opportunity to be creative and put our passion into these projects. We also would like to thank you for allowing us to share your images as we are so very proud of the work we accomplished together.
Prince Edward County, ON
Completed: Fall 2019

New build with A Large backyard
Our customer approached us as they had a brand new build with a very large backyard that looks out onto a small forest and clearing. They requested a large patio, fire pit and pergola with seating area to entertain and enjoy the sprawling and beautiful view of nature surrounding them.

Stone Walkways
We placed stone leading from the driveway up to the front entrance of the house. We also continued the stone walkway around the side and back of the house and to the perimeter of the pool to create a sense of flow and frame the yard.

Stone Patio
We built a large patio area to hold the fireplace patio furniture, barbecue and gazebo.
Stone stairs
We built stone stairs leading from the back of the house down to the patio. We are also in the process of building stone stairs at the front of the house as well.

retaining walls
We also built two large retaining walls one S curve wall and an L shape retaining wall to frame in the patio.
We built an outdoor fireplace surrounded by a ring of interlocking stone. Making a great place for hosting company and spending time with family on cool nights.

Gardens And Softscaping

We completed the project with gardens along the surroundings and trees along the side of the house to add some beautiful greenery to this stone escape.